Planning in advance for your burial is one of the most thoughtful expressions of love and concern you can show your family. Pre-planning your burial ensures a clear understanding of your wishes and that you will be buried in the place of your choice. It also provides tremendous peace of mind for your family when your death occurs.
Benefits of Pre-Arranging Burial

Care for Loved Ones
You spare your spouse and others you care most deeply for from having to make a hasty decision while under great emotional stress.

Cost Savings/Options
You escape the effects of inflation and save money by purchasing at today’s prices. You may for pre-need purchases over time, if desired.

Peace of Mind
You will enjoy peace of mind, knowing everything will be handled according to your wishes, without further burden on those you love.
“If we die with Christ, we shall live with Him,
and if we are faithful to the end, we shall reign with Him."
and if we are faithful to the end, we shall reign with Him."
Timothy 2:11-12
Three Easy Steps to Pre-plan Your Burial

Determine Type of Burial
Burial selections differ based on whether you choose cremation or traditional burial services.

Location of Burial Space
Traditional options include in-ground burial or mausoleum. Cremated remains may rest in-ground, in a columbarium, or in our mausoleum.

Markers and Memorials
Having a marker at your grave space is optional but is the only way for visitors and loved ones know exactly where you’re buried.
We are honored to assist you in creating a memorial that is meaningful and a fitting final tribute for family and friends who come to visit you.

Pre-Payment Options
Not every item must be pre-paid at the same time, however, burial cannot take place until the space open and close fees are paid.

Payment Plans
Interest free payment plans are available to pre-pay for the burial space, but are not available for open/close fees and memorial markers.

Package pricing is available and offers substantial savings when you pre-pay your burial space, vault, and marker at the same time.
Request Our Free Pre-Planning Packet
Let us show you how we can help pre-arrange your end-of-life plans to suit your preferences and save your family the stress of making these decisions at a later date.
“For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who sees
the Son and believes in him may have eternal life,
and I shall raise him on the last day."
the Son and believes in him may have eternal life,
and I shall raise him on the last day."
John 6:40